Quarterly report
Quarterly reports contain information on company developments during the previous three months. They provide investors and analysts with an indication of what the company's annual financial statements will look like at the end of the year. Companies in FWB Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse's (the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) Prime Standard segment are obligated to publish quarterly reports. Detailed regulations pertaining to the content of quarterly reports are to be found in Paragraph 63 of the Börsenordnung (Stock Exchange Rules and Regulations).
Quotation cancelled
No price could be determined; the price is an estimate.
Quotation volume
In addition to providing a quotation volume, the designated sponsor or warrant issuer indicates the minimum quantity he is willing to trade even in highly volatile market phases. This minimum or effective quotation volume is substantially smaller than the regular quotation volume. Price quotes for a volume that is smaller than the minimum quotation volume are rejected by Xetra.
A binding order to buy or sell at a limited price that is entered into the Xetra® electronic trading system by a designated sponsor or warrant issuer to enhance the liquidity of that security.
Quote request
Electronic message asking a designated sponsor or warrant issuer to enter a quote in the Xetra® electronic trading system.
Quote volume
In addition to providing a quotation volume, the designated sponsor or warrant
issuer indicates the minimum quantity he is willing to trade even in highly
volatile market phases. This minimum or effective quotation volume is
substantially smaller than the regular quotation volume. Price quotes for a
volume that is smaller than the minimum quotation volume are rejected by